Conax Certifications and Accreditations

An unwavering commitment to quality

Conax Technologies is committed to ensuring the products we design and manufacture meet or exceed the most rigorous global quality standards for the industries we serve. Achieving these certifications and accreditations reflects our dedication to maintaining the highest standard of excellence for our products and processes.

Product Hazardous Location Certifications

CBT Thermocouples and RTDs for Hazardous Locations
CT Thermocouples and RTDs for Hazardous Locations
Ex/MBS Miniature Bearing Sensor Thermocouples and RTDs for Hazardous Locations
HL Fittings and Feedthroughs for Hazardous Locations
HLPL Power Lead Feedthroughs for Hazardous Locations
Flashback & Bladepath Power Generation Thermocouples for Hazardous Locations
Flashback, Bladepath, Compressor Discharge & HMS Power Generation Thermocouples for Hazardous Locations