Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Quality you can trust
Temperature Sensor Solutions
Conax Technologies is the industry leader in the design and fabrication of temperature measurement devices. Conax temperature and control sensors are used throughout the pharmaceutical industry in a variety of processes.
Our products are designed to withstand the extreme environmental conditions found in pharmaceutical autoclave chambers that are a major cause of sensor failure, due to the ingress of moisture into the sensors and the unacceptable leakage of steam/condensate through the bulkhead connection. These include:
Instrumentation feedthrough and fitting solutions
Conax Technologies’ sealed feedthroughs and compression seal fittings have proven to be the industry leaders in quality and performance. We’re the originators of soft sealant technology that, when combined with mechanical compression, results in a remarkably secure seal on wires, probes, and electrodes passing through a pressure or environmental boundary. The solutions listed below are commonly used in autoclave and sterilization chambers.
Feedthroughs with factory-installed lead wire are available in copper or thermocouple wire and include:
- Multiple probe or wire seal fittings
- General Purpose Instrument Lead (TG – 24T)
- High Temperature Instrument Lead Feedthrough (TGF)
- High Pressure Ruggedized Feedthrough (PL)
- High Density Wire Feedthrough (HD)
Fittings without factory-installed lead wires include:
- Single probes or sensors
- Split fittings for sealing on cables/wires with connectors or sensors larger than cable diameter (PGS, SPG & DSPG)