Conax Technologies manufactures a complete range of pressure and vacuum seal fitting assemblies to carry probes, sensors, wires, electrodes and other elements, satisfying diverse application requirements across a broad spectrum of industries.


  • Are used when probes and other elements must pass through a pressure or environmental boundary.
  • Maintain the integrity of the seal at the point of feedthrough penetration.
  • Employ “soft” sealant technology so that probes can be adjusted, removed and replaced yet are not deformed during installation.
  • Satisfy pressure, vacuum and environmental sealing applications in many industries—from process control and power generation to semiconductor fabrication and steel production.
  • Frequently reduce the overall cost of ownership, when compared with other sealing techniques, through reductions in installation time, downtime and the cost of replacement parts.
  • Unlike many conventional compression fittings or glands, Conax fittings can carry multiple elements (e.g., probes, wires, electrodes) in a single fitting assembly.

For more information or to download our brochure, visit our product page.